Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Stitched together

As my buddy rushed me to the hospital, I realized what awesome friends I have and what a shit I've been to them. I mean, I had tried to be good and get dishes done, you know, clean up and what not. Glass breaks- cheap housewares- and cuts the fuck out of my hand. So after wrapping it up, pouring alcohol on it, and taking a binger, I was on the way to the E-Room. In this case, the e-room was no fun.
Thankfully, I had stopped by the comic store earlier. Killed some time and took my mind of all the crazy sick fuckers sittin around me. When I finally got the stitches, I was well ready to get the hell out.
So im sipping bourbon and thinking, what thoughts or emotions have I had recently that are worth writing about? Sure, the primaries are going on. But I really don't care since Bush is bye bye. Besides, I can't be honest about my life on the net.