Sunday, February 15, 2009

With Renewed Vigor

My past attempts to create a blog have failed almost completely. While I've managed to keep some semblance of a daily journal, there are many topics that I've failed to write about. I need a place to rant and rave, say things I might not necessarily mean, and generally take the Freedom of Speech as far as I can by saying things that should be said, but generally are not.

At the moment I am in my last semester of a 6.5 year college career; things are hectic, classes are hectic, I'm getting married, I'm doing my best to organize a Student Rights Week, etc. Yet I still need to find time to say things such as:

  • Michael Phelps is my hero; the man won 12 gold medals in the Olympics and still gets high. The only reason people are mad at him is weed is illegal, and the government has spent ridiculous amounts of money on b.s. advertising, a.k.a Office of National Drug Control Policy's "Above the Influence" ads in Comic Books. For instance, one ad says in big letters, "BECOME A TV REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR!" and then, "Hey, not trying to be your mom, but there aren't many jobs out there for potheads." Oh?Really? Could someone be full a' shit? Let's focus on something actually important people. Also, when I'm reading comic books do they really think I'll heed any such recomendations?
In conclusion, I agree with Thomas Jefferson. "I have sworn to God, upon an alter of truth, eternal hostility, towards tyranny over the mind of man."