Friday, November 30, 2007

A throbbing pain

Elusive love hiding like a hare,
Heat of passion chasing a debt.
Pay the piper and fall to the pulse of longing,
or run away to reckless abandon?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

First the hill....

Ahhhh, to give man-birth to something that can grow with me as I unleash the fury that is my life. In the past two days a lot has happened. I had my second shot of cortisone in my lower spine, missed all my classes yesterday, freaked out on my mother, and freaked out on one of my roommates. Shit, I am a big dick to the people I love most. Does that happen to other people? Life is great, then shit is flung in one's face, and boom, the acrid gas that follows just unnecessarily offends everyone in the immediate vicinity.
Each time, after I calmed down, I was able to think clearly again. For instance, the threat, "I'll just find a new place to live and you can find someone else to live upstairs!" has dissipated like dirty undergarments thrown in the wash. Well, now I must wash my hands of the homework I have not done.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A new baby might be born...

I decided to create my own blog just now after I read my proffessor's. At times through my life I've kept diaries, but I always thought they were too full of gratuitous hedonism. Maybe that means high school was awesome. There is another reason I decided to start this now, besides not participating in the net at all, the Showtime series Californication is way too awesome for me to not try and pretend I'm some bastard child of David Duchovny's character and Jim Morrisson. Okay, okay, I hope my ego doesn't pervade this blog like old men at nude beaches. Eeew.

I guess let's start,"Dear Diary...;" Wait, no. This is not a diary for I am too manly!!! So I am a student at UNCA. Asheville's one cool place but sometime's it's just to easy to get distracted and not do what I am supposed to do. But I've been here about 5 years, Asheville I mean, and it is definitely time to go. But first I must finish school, which consists of completing 2 minors and 2 majors. Why so many? Goood question. I believe the reason is that I am so ADD and obsessed with learning whatever sparks my interest that by the time I realized how bad I was screwing myself it was too late to not get the degrees. Yet I fear a life of employment, at least for the "man" anyway.

So, I've probably written so much tonight because I am still high from the meds I got when they shot an epidural of coritisone in to my spine earlier today. On to hmw! At 1am? Oh crap....