Sunday, March 1, 2009

Anne Coulter: Fuel for the Fire

I just participated in my first book burning... I know, I know. Book burning is bad; too many memories of Hitler dredged up by those types of actions, generally speaking. But no, this is different. It's cold, we don't wanna use anything useful for kindling, so we look around and a friend says to me, "I'm gonna make fun of you every time I come over for having Anne Coulter on your bookshelf." The funny thing is in 2004 I bought a whole bunch of books from the whole political spectrum, so I gave her a chance. Not only is she a royal bitch, but everything she says has only one purpose: to perpetuate the ignorance and narrow-mindedness of like-minded folks who have no other purpose in life but to perpetuate the very greed and stupidity that has resulted in the horrible situation in which our great country now finds itself. Thanks for helping me catch my logs on fire Anne. If I had known you were this useful I would have done this a long time ago. Burn baby, burn; yeah, that's it. Burn.

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