Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Abolish the Senate!!!

How many people know that Thomas Jefferson was opposed to the idea of a Senate. His underlying reasoning was that it is inherently an anti-majoritarian institution. Not only that, but it does not work in the way that it is supposed: it was meant to offset the population discrepancies of larger states over smaller ones. Today, however, some of the most dense population concentrations are in smaller states. But the biggest problem with the Senate, apart from the fact that no ordinary citizen has access to their Senator, but that the power each Senator wields is commensurate with the ability to shut down the entire business of the legislature. An expanded house is a much better and more democratic position.

As i sit, awaiting the markets to find direction, I am listening to Senator Levin of Michigan. He appears to be well-prepared, yet it seems his greatest source of information comes from a recently published book "the Great Short". Moreover, though Goldman deserves no sympathy, as he castigates these executives, he forgets to lay any blame relating to the sub-prime markets with the Government! Both parties are responsible for this nonsense belief that underlying the American Dream is access to ownership of housing to the masses! Let alone the fact that recently banks and Wall Street have been the populist scapegoats of late, but why have they not subpoened the Ratings Agencies complicit in all this mess???

Mr. Levin is assuming he is fully informed and educated on a matter far beyond his understanding. Last night he proposed and end to short sales!!!! Undoubtedly there are bad points to this practice, but as with any sword, there are two edges. Had there been more short sellers on the housing market, such a massive bubble may not have formed. The ignorance of the Senate, and this particular speaker, is disgusting. I am fed up with this petty institution. I am sick of the pork, the bickering, the idiocy... how did these people get elected? They have no right to assume the moral high ground considering their complicity of ignorance in their faith of a dead American Dream.

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