Monday, April 5, 2010

I love Trading Stocks, but I despise Tiger

So there I was, sitting in my recliner, straining my neck to the left (so as to see my dual-monitor set-up), and doing my best to not lose the house. (By chance anyone reads this and wonders why the hell I'm working from a recliner, its because of hip surgery a week and a couple of days ago.) I was doing fairly well today, considering I was up until 2 a.m. trying to get my Internet working.

I have this problem, where I'm tired, and things get moved around, and I just have to go ahead and fix things up exactly right. Well, to my utter chagrin, I screwed up my router and gave up and went to bed when I started getting so upset I was crying. I mean, Come ON! I took a networking class last fall!

I get up four hours later and call the professionals. It gets fixed, but not completely; fixed more like it was done with a shoe string and bubble-gum. So, now its almost 8 o' clock, and I really have to get attuned to the news, review the previous session's key levels, and get it done in time to not quite have it all absorbed in my brain as it needs to be.

The battle begins, I make a few good trades, I screw up a few good trades, and by lunch time I'm half pleased because I've halved my losses. I'm starting to learn it, and even though I'm still behind, the process and the art is starting to sink in. I eat a hot dog, and trade my way back to even in U.S. Steel. This was a stock my boss introduced us to the other week when he spoon-fed me a trade, and I don't think he meant for me to fall in love with it, but anyhow.... I traded myself back to even. Then things got really boring.

The world stopped so Tiger could talk about how sorry he was, and how he screwed up, and blah blah blah. This is CNBC I'm watching for Baruch's sake! Not Headline News! Congratulations CNBC, you have turned yourselves into a tabloid. And, given the complete lack of direction in the markets around that time, it would seem they turned the good folks on the floor of the NYSE into tabloid idiots, as if they were standing in line to pay for groceries.

And the man droned on, and on, and on.... I really don't care! I don't watch golf, or any other conventional sports for that matter. Give me No Holds Barred or Olympic Judo or something, and I'm down. But I'm sick of this, and I hope that one positive thing comes out of this. Tiger, I'm imploring you, please get this stage of your life over so the rest of us can quit hearing about it!

Trading picked up afterwards, and it must be that negative karma I'd just spilled all over myself, because as I was cycling through stocks looking for a trade, I missed a 30 cent run in US Steel. Last time I blamed the Cat, this time I'm blaming Tiger.

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